# Keys helper
Keys helper allows to easily generate nonce and new RSA, AES and EC keys.
# Provided operations
Below you can find the keys helper's provided operations with some examples
Generates RSA key pair having the given bytes length and type. If no length is specified, the default is goin to be 2048
static Future<CommercioKeyPair<CommercioRSAPublicKey, CommercioRSAPrivateKey>> generateRsaKeyPair({ required CommercioRSAKeyType keyType, int bytes = 2048, })
4Generates AES key having the chosen length
static Future<Uint8List> generateAesKey({int length = 256})
1Generate a random nonce
static Uint8List generateRandomNonce(int length, {int bit = 256})
1Generates a new random EC key pair
static Future<CommercioKeyPair<CommercioECPublicKey, CommercioECPrivateKey>> generateEcKeyPair({String? type})